Production Approval Sample
The first step in the design process was a concept drawing of a car drawn by the designer, called a "B" Sheet".
From a group of proposed designs, some would be selected for further development towards becoming an actual toy.
The next step is to make a representative scale model from the designer's drawings which would then be presented to management,
(meaning Elliot Handler in 1970!) for approval to proceed.

Production Approval Sample for the "Turbo Wagon"
This one-of-a-kind hand made piece is believed to be the actual "approval" piece for the Superfine Turbine.
It was buried in Larry's Garage for over 40 years.

Production Approval Sample
In 1970, the medium for approval models was wood and resin. Details were sacrificed for expediency.

Production Approval Sample

Production Approval Sample
At the time, the casting still bore its preliminary name, the "Turbo Wagon"

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