The Carbonator was a 2008 First Edition, featuring an internal jet engine.
It has been reissued several times since then including a 2013 Treasure Hunt (regular).
2008 First Edition #36 Carbonator
![](carbonator _top.jpg)
The rear spoiler doubles as a bottle opener!
The exhaust is designed to resemble a bottle cap
2013 Regular Treasure Hunt
Carbonator Prototype
This is an interesting prototype, one of two I have seen.
Carbonator Prototype Modifications
This one shows modifications to the rear end,
presumably to improve the performance of the bottle opener. The body was machined and a tab screwed into it
before it was spun up. The inner edges of the spoiler were trimmed to make it wider on the sided and flatter at the rear.
The Carbonator is the "designated" Happy New Year car.
2012 Happy New Year release
2013 Happy New Year release
2014 Happy New Year release