Sizzlers and XV Racers
Sizzlers were a mainstay of the Hot Wheels Product line from 1970 to 1973.
Sizzlers made a brief re-appearance in 1977 and 1978 but faded into oblivion until the trade name was revived by Playing Mantis in the early 1990's.
Having lost the rights to the SIzzlers trademark, Mattel released a competing pruduct under the name XV Racers,
reviving a name formerly used on line of larger scaled, spring driven cars.
Only two of the more than forty original Sizzlers models produced feature turbine engines.

The Ram Rocket, one of the 1973 only Fat Daddy's, came in nine different colors.
The Comotion came in four or five different colors.
Only one of the XV Racers features a Turbine Engine.