1970: Bubble

Casting Variations:
- No reported body casting variations.
Paint Colors:
- The Bubble came in a variety of colors: Color Chart in development - TBA
- The interior is a white plastic.
- The Jet Power bladder came in colors. also.
- Slightly Tinted blue/green
A pure fantasy car, the Bubble is one of the Jet Power cars that was designed to operate with the Power Compressor. A sleek looking race car with large window covering what is designed to look like a turbine engine. The color of the bladder can be seen under the rear wheel well.

Typical Bubble in Purple

Bubble in Blister Pack
Shawn's Take!
The Bubble came commonly in royal blue, red, teal, aqua, gold, light green, orange, purple, fuschia, magenta, lavender and copper. Commonly around $30
for mint examples but the highly desirable fuschias and magentas are often closer to $75. My blue bladder, royal blue Bubble in blister cost me over $200...

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