1970 - Topper Johnny Lightning Models from the Second Year
For 1970, Topper decided to really go all out. They release 31 new models and introduced the "Jet Power" line. Sold on their own style of blister card, the car
was made with an a "bladder" i.e a plastic sac inside that could be pressurized with air. The car had to be run on a special track set that included an air pump
or "Compressor" to charge up the bladder. When placed on the track and triggered, the compressed air in the bladder discharged providing a jet powered boost!
You could also have your mom put a speck of flour into the Compressor so when the car was released, the flour would blow out, kind of looking like smoke trail.
Pretty Cool! The Jet Power Cars are tough to find in nice shape. Some people even collect them by their bladder colors: brown, black, white and one called "Swirl"
which is a mixture of two colors. Some castings have two bladders. Pretty far ahead of its time!
Jet Power Models
Bubble - Flying Needle - Glasser - Monster - Screamer - Wedge

AJ Foyt |
Al Unser |
Baja |
Bubble |

Bug Bomb |
Condor |
Custom Spoiler |
Double Trouble |

|  |

Flame Out |
Flying Needle |
Frantic Ferrari |
Glasser |
Jumpin' Jag |
Leapin' Limo |
Mad Maverick |
Monster |
Movin' Van |
Nucleon |
Parnelli Jones |
Sand Stormer |
Screamer |
Sling Shot |
Smuggler |
Stiletto |
Triple Threat |
Vicious Vette |
Vulture |
Wasp |
Wedge |
Whistler |
Unmade Models |

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