1970: Condor

Casting Variations:
- No reported casting variations.
Paint Colors:
- The Condor came in a variety of colors: Color Chart in development - TBA
- The interior is integral with the base casting and is unpainted/raw.
The Condor, a single seater with its rear transverse mounted engine is a pure Topper created design. It tends to be one of the harder to find castings from the 1970 line up.

Typical Condor in orange

Rear of the Topper Condor

A purple Condor

A near perfect red Condor

A yellow Condor in typical condition

Complete engine and pipes on a nice purple Condor
The plastic V6 transverse mounted engine and exhaust pipes are frequently missing.

A stunning group of Condors in excellent condition

Another nice group, showing the wide variations of paint color for the Condor
Shawn's Take!
Most common in red, gold and light green. Also available in steel blue, orange dark orange and teal. Magenta and purple are both rare. A complete Condor in
common colors almost always over $50 and usually nearer $100. Purples and maggies oftern over $300. Expect to pay $400-$500 if you happen to find one in blister...

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