1971: Hairy Hauler

Casting Variations:
- Normal Front End
- Hammerhead Front End
Paint Colors:
- The Hairy Hauler came in a variety of colors: Color Chart in development - TBA
- 2nd Year BW
- Optional "Slicks"
The Hairy Hauler is one of the last year's models and was part of the "Customs" line where the car came with optional parts to "customize" the car.
The Hairy Hauler is one casting with a very distinctive variation, the Hammerhead front end.

Hairy Hauler in Gold
The Hairy Hauler customizing parts include:
- Black Roof and Hook Piece
- Chrome side mounted pods
- A set of "flame" stickers
- Wheel "Slicks" to enlarge the rear wheels

Hairy Hauler Hammerhead Variation
The two bulges on either side of the front end are a distinctive variation.

Hairy Hauler Pair

Hairy Hauler in colors, both Normal and Hammerheads
Shawn's Take!
The most popular of the "Customs", the Hairy Hauler came most commonly in red and purple. Also found in light green, royal blue, magenta, teal, aqua and rarely orange. Has
never been found in gold(?). Complete ones in mint condition are usually around $60 but often near $100. Blisters are always over $100 with an orange recently selling for over $200.

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