1970: Nucleon

Casting Variations:
- No reported casting variations.
Paint Colors:
- The Nucleon came in a variety of colors: Color Chart in development - TBA
- Interior is integral with the base casting
- The antenna piece on the rear is chrome plastic
- Goodyear Blackwalls
- 2nd Year Blackwalls
A pure concept car, the Nucleon is equipped with a dome covered cockpit driven by a rear mounted "nucleon drive unit"! One of weirdest of the bunch by Topper

Nucleon in Blue

Profile view of the Nucleon

Rear view of the Nucleon

Base view of the Nucleon

A Nucleon Attack!
Shawn's Take!
All Topper! Nothing like it anywhere else. A very popular casting with high production numbers. Most common in purple, light green, red, bright blue,
orange and gold. Also teal, magenta, honey gold, royal blue light orange, green, steel blue and copper. Almost always under $50 except for copper and
steel blue, they are in the $75 range. Blisters are commonly $80ish with the bright blue being near $150 and the steel blue slightly more.

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