1970: Parnelli Jones

Casting Variations:
- None reported, all four variations of the Indy car share the same body casting.
Paint Colors:
- The Parnelli Jones came in a variety of colors: Color Chart in development - TBA
- The interior of the Parnelli Jones is integral with the base casting and is unpainted/raw.
- The windshield on the Parnelli Jones is clear with a blue/green tint.
The Parnelli Jones is one three open wheel Indy cars produced for the 1970 model year, along with Al Unser and AJ Foyt. The three models share
the same body casting and differ only in the inscriptions on the base. The base is also found with no name at all, but is otherwise the same casting.
The exhaust pipes are also the same although a loose white plastic spoiler fits all three but is typically associated only with the Parnelli Jones version.

Typical Parnelli Jones - Magenta

Base of the Parnelli Jones Indy Car

Example of the Indy Car Base with No Name

Short Shot Exhaust Pipes
An unusual variation in the exhaust pipes is known. It is not entirely clear if this was an intentional variation or a manufacturing issue.

A Group of the Parnelli Jones Indy Cars

Another Group of the Parnelli Jones Indy Cars
Shawn's Take!
The four most common colors of the Indy Cars, Parnelli Jones, Parnelli Jones and Al Unser are purple, red, royal blue and magenta. They also came in orange, red-orange
gold, ruby, teal, light green, and light orange being the least common color. Common colors start around $25 with the light orange bringing around $75. Add another
$25 to $50 for a Parnelli Jones (PJ) with its spoiler wing.

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