1970: Vicious Vette

Casting Variations:
The Vicious Vette has no known body or base variations:
Paint Colors:
The Vicious Vette came in a myriad of colors:
The interior of the Vicious Vette is no longer a plastic part, it is integrated with the base casting.
- Goodyear Blackwalls
- 2nd Year Blackwalls
The Vicious Vette is a retooled version of the 1969 Custom Mako Shark. For 1970, Topper removed the hood and added a large "blown V8 engine". The plastic interior
has been eliminated, and it is now integral with the base metal casting. The tailpipes on the Custom Mako Shark have also been removed in the retooling process.

Vicious Vette vs. Custom Mako Shark
From this view, one can see the changes to the engine compartment and interior.

Rear of the Topper Vicious Vette
From this view, one can see the absence of the tailpipes.

Base of the typical Topper Vicious Vette

Dark Green Vicious Vette

Vicious Vette in magenta

An array of Colors of Vicious Vette

Vicious Vettes with an original Blister Pack
Shawn's Take!
Common in bright blue, red, honey gold, light green, gold, royal blue, orange, light orange, teal, aqua, emerald green. This is a car that is truly rare in magenta.
Common colors $35 to $50. Emeralds slightly higher and magenta, if you can find one, always over $80. Blisters around $100 with an emerald recently sold for $180.
Never have seen a blistered maggie...

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