Classic '32 Ford Vicky

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
US Only
Casting Variations:
Open Suspension / Shock
Engine Pad
Front spin post pad on base
Interior and Glass:
Three (3) different colored interiors.
* White is common
* Dark is less common
* Champagne is uncommon
Clear Glass on all
Paint Colors and Variations:
The '32 Ford Vicky came in at least 18 different spectraflame colors
The black roof is normally smooth
The wrinkle" roof paint variation is some what rare
A few examples are known lacking the black roof paint

The '32 Ford Vicky released in 1969 is one of the four new models of classic cars released "Classics" series.

1932 Ford Victoria
The '32 Ford Vicky is based on the 1932 Ford Victoria two door sedan. The "Victoria" was a deluxe trim package of the 50 HP V8 base model Ford 18.

'32 Ford Vicky
The Hot Wheels rendition of the '32 Ford Vicky was manufactured only in the USA. The hood was removed exposing the blown V8 engine.
The interior can be found in three colors but the glass is always clear. The '32 Ford Vicky is noted for the number of unique variations.
The most significant variation is the early "open shock/suspension" but other changes occured at the transition from the open suspension to the closed version.

Open Suspension Variation
The variation is found on early releases of the casting. The vertical outside posts are often broken, perhaps during the manufacturing process.

Motor Platform
When the closed shock version appeared, the body casting was slightly modified with the addition of a platform area to raise the engine.
This probably was done to tighten the fit of the spin post which is part of the motor.
The seam along the base of the firewall is more rounded on the later version. This could be due to tool wear or it could be an intentional modification to add material to that area.

Base variations (OS on the right)
The raised circle around the front spin post appeared at the same time and also likely was a fix for an assembly issue. The bases also show some variation in the text.

Crinkle Roof Variation
The Classic '32 Ford Vicky typically came with a smooth flat black area painted on the roof, however, there are some found with wrinkly textured paint.

A pair of Vickys

Dan's OS Line Up
The Open Suspension variation of the casting in found in most colors, most common in blue and aqua.
No prototypes are known.
In 1993 and 1994, Mattel reproduced 16 redline era castings, all made in China. They were sold in two lines: "25th Anniversary" and
"Vintage Series". Unfortunately for redline collectors, Mattel opted to print the original copyright date on the base of these
reproductions which has only caused confusion among the newer collectors and a source of great annoyance among seasoned collectors.

1993 Reproduction '32 Ford Vicky
The reproduction of the '32 Ford Vicky was released in the "Vintage Series" but there are many simple ways to differentiate the reproduction from the original.

"Vintage" logo and China Country of Origin
Four obvious identifying characteristics for the reproduction are:
* Hot Wheels logo tampoed on the rear
* Through Hole reproduction redline wheels
* Made in China on the base
* "Vintage Series" logo on the base