The "Original 16!"
Mattel released 16 castings during the first year of production, featuring eleven "California Customs", four "Show Cars" and a Le Mans race car, the Ford J.
Initially produced only in the US, the success of the toys forced Mattel to quickly open a factory in Hong Kong. All sixteen cars were made in both the US and
Hong Kong factories, with each version having subtle differences from the other in almost all aspects, making the US and Hong Kong versions unique from each other.




Beatnik Bandit |
Custom Barracuda |
Custom Camaro |
Custom Corvette |




Custom Cougar |
Custom Eldorado |
Custom Firebird |
Custom Fleetside |




Custom Mustang |
Custom T-Bird |
Custom Volkswagen |
Deora |




Ford J |
Hot Heap |
Python |
Silhouette |

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For other commercial, for-profit or redistribution needs, please contact the site owner. This site is not affiliated with Mattel, Inc.
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Send me an e-mail: tngray@nautiloid.net
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