From 1969 to 1972, Mattel released fourteen castings under the banner of "HEAVYWEIGHTS".
The majority of these are trucks with a cab design undoubtably inspired by the Chevrolet Turbo Titan III.
Chevrolet Turbo Titan III
The Chevrolet Turbo Titan III was a gas turbine-powered concept cabover heavy truck designed and built as a working prototype by General Motors in 1965. It was accompanied
by a matching custom trailer built in stainless steel; the Turbo Titan III was first shown to the public at the 1965 session of the 1964 New York World's Fair.
The Heavy Weights cab was produced in three lengths; the cab only, the short bed and the long bed, and each type is interchangeable among the relevant castings.
Thus, determination of whether a particular piece is an original combination of cab and attachment is not always possible.
Among the four trailers, only the Moving Van and Fire truck bases are interchangeable. The Team Trailer and Racer Rig each have unique bases.
Oddly, the S'Cool bus and the Funny Money were issued with "Heavyweights" on the base, but many collectors generally consider only the 12 trucks as true "Heavyweights".
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