Police Cruiser

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
US Only
Casting Variations:
None Known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard - white fenders
Early Run - Black Fenders and Rocker Panel
Red winky-wanky light - opaque red or transparent red plastic
Interior Colors:
Cream Interior
Lightly Tinted Glass
Modeled after the Plymouth Fury, the Police Cruiser uses the exact same casting as the 1970 Fire Chief. Both are labeled "Cruiser" on the base.
The opaque light version is less common than the transparent version.

The "Black Fenders" version is believed by some to be a "prototype" but may also be simply a paint variation associated with the earliest production run.
Several prototypes are known, one with blue trim paint instead of black and one with no black trim at all.
A few rare examples have a base variation where the name is "Police Cuiser" which was quickly changed to simply "Cruiser".

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