Jack Rabbit Special

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
US and Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None known, other than country of origin
Paint Colors and Variations:
White with a blue racing stripe
US - stripe is painted
HK - stripe is a sticker
At least one UK version with a silver painted base is known
Interior Colors:
Both US and HK interiors came in both black and white interiors
US version has three glass variations:
Early - Clear
Mid - Smoke
Late - Blue
HK version has blue glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1973 Sand Witch
The Jack Rabbit Special release coincided with an animated TV show and a line of comic books, both of which were short lived ventures for Mattel.
The HK version tends to be less common than the US version. Neither interior color is hard to find.

Opening rear engine cover
The rear engine Jack Rabbit Special featured an opening rear cover and red painted tail lights.
The blue stripe was a sticker on the US version but was a tampo on the HK version.

Base of the Jack Rabbit Special

Jack In the Box Promo Set
The Hamburger chain, "Jack in the Box" ran a promotion with the Jack Rabbit Special. The car came with a water slide decal sheet that is very hard to find nowadays.

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