Casting : Mongoose Fuel Dragster

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
US Only
Casting Variations:
The casting is labeled "Fuel Dragster" on the base
No casting variations
Paint Colors and Variations:
Paint is always blue, some shading and fading has occurred.
The car came with a sticker sheet with "Mongoose" logos.
The front wheels came in clear with black paint or in solid black.
The rear wheels do not have red stripes.
Interior Colors:
White driver, no glass
Other Versions of Same Casting:
1971 Snake Fuel Dragster
Often called the "front engine dragster" or "Rail", the Fuel Dragster casting was used for both the Snake and Mongoose releases.

The car is designed to be held in the "wheelie" position when started down the track. A small trigger in the track released
the counter weight and drops the car into the non-wheelie position for the finish.
The ball bearings in the hub sometimes fall out.
The wheelie bar (wheels) piece is often missing as it is detachable.
The Snake and Mongoose versions of the Fuel Dragster came in the Wild Wheelie track set and also in a unique two pack.

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