Casting: Peeping Bomb (Shell)

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None Known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Dark Blue |
Common |
Light Blue |
Common |
Red |
Common |
Yellow |
Uncommon |
Uncommon |
Shell Metal Flake Green |
Uncommon |
Interior Colors:
Blue Glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1970 Peeping Bomb
As one of the 10 castings in the Shell promotion, the 1973 Peeping Bomb is the based on the 1970 Peeping Bomb.
Significant changes to the casting were made to reduce the cost of production.

1970 Peeping Bomb vs. 1973 Shell Promo Peeping Bomb
The Spectraflame era release has head light covers that retract using a lever in the center of the cockpit. As part of the
retooling for the 1973 Shell Promo series, the head light openings were retooled shut and the lever mechanism was removed.
The normal packaging for the Shell promotion was a single car in a clear plastic baggie

1970 Peeping Bomb vs. 1973 Shell Promo Peeping Bomb Bases
The base was modified to accommodate the changed to "through hole" style wheels, adding crush protectors in the rear and anti-rub "nibs" to the front and rear.

Shell Promo Peeping Bomb in Yellow

Shell Promo Peeping Bomb in Shell Metallic Green

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