Casting : Grasshopper

Years of Production:
1974 - 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
1974 Flying Colors has a blown motor in front
1975 version omitted the motor and made other casting changes
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Green
Interior Colors:
Other versions of same Casting:
1971 Grasshopper
Gun Slinger
The Flying Colors Grasshopper is derived from the 1971 Grasshopper casting.

Grasshopper Casting Modifications (L-71 R-74)
For 1974, the engine in the rear was removed, the plastic top was deleted and some of the casting details such as the shovel
and jerry can,
on the side panels were removed. The base was also simplified. The interior was modified, affecting the steering column and making the seats shorter.
The wheels were changed to "through hole" style, introduced in the previous year and the tampo was added.

Top Comparison (L-71, C-74, R-75)
The casting underwent even more drastic modifications for the 1975 release. For 1975, the blown engine in the front was eliminated, reducing the parts count.

Grill Comparison (L-71, C-74, R-75)
Concurrently, the grill and the front half of the jeep underwent considerable alteration.

Base Comparison (L-71, C-74, R-75)
The metal base was simplified for 1974 then for 1975, changed to plastic and underwent further detail reduction.

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