Casting : Volkswagen

Years of Production:
1974 - 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
Metal base on the Mattel versions
Plastic Base on the Wisconsin Toy Company version
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Orange
Tampo Variations:
The early release in 1974 had a striped tampo
The later release changed to the ladybug tampo
Interior Colors:
Black or white
Blue Glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1968 Custom Volkswagen
Wisconsin Toy Volkswagen
The 1974 version of the Volkswagen Beetle is derived from the US version of the 1968 Custom Volkswagen casting. The sunroof
opening was closed and the wheels are all the through-hole style.

Early Release "Stripe" Tampo
The stripe tampo version is exceedingly rare in good condition.
Buyers should be very cautious as the stripes were reproduced and number of fraudulent examples have been seen.

Front and Rear
The Stripe Tampo ended up being difficult to manufacture so it was quite a short run. Hence, it is rather rare.
On the "fakes", the tampo has pixelation, not seen on the original.

The Herfy's Promo, dated 1975
The normal production Bug was used for one of the castings available from the Herfy's Restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest.

Wisconsin Toy Company Version
This version was destined for a soap promotion that was cancelled before it was issued. It differs from the norrmal production
with a black plastic base and a dark tinted windshield. They were sold in about 1980, one of four castings in the grouping.

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