Casting : Porsche Carrera/ P-911

Years of Production:
1975 to 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
With or without "Porsche" cast into the rear of the car
Base labeled "Carrera" or P-911
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Yellow
Alternate: White
Interior Colors:
Black Interior
Very dark tinted glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1977 Super Chromes Porsche P911
The P-911 has a lot of interesting variations in the casting, wheels and colors. The early versions haveusually have
capped wheels on the front and through hole wheels on the rear. Later versions have through holes front and rear.
Other combinations have been seen.

1975 Porsche P911 Tampo
All versions of the production P-911 have the same tampo.

Early "Porsche" Rear End
The early release has "PORSCHE" embossed across the rear of the body. This was later removed.

Three Different Base Variations
The early version has the "CARRERA" base. It was modified to the "P-911" on the raised bar, then the raised bar was removed.

1975 Porsche P911, Alternate Color
The alternate color of the P-911 is one of the harder to find Alternate Color castings.

1975 Herfy's Porsche P911
This version was used for one of the castings available from the Herfy's Restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest.

1975 "Salesman's Sample: Porsche P911
This version is purported to be either a salesman's sample or perhaps some sort of Mattel internal give-away. It was never a production release.

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