Casting : Poison Pinto
Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
No casting variations known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Green with Black, Yellow and White Tampo
Interior Colors:
Other versions of same Casting:
1977 Super Chromes Poison Pinto
The Poison Pinto ci based on the Ford Pinto station wagon.
1975 Ford Pinto Station Wagon
Tampo Design of the Poison Pinto
The Poison Pinto tampo was also used on the Super Chromes and the Blackwall versions of the casting.
The Poison Pinto can also be found with medium sized wheels in the rear.
rear of the Poison Pinto
The Poison Pinto came only with a chrome interior and blue glass.
Base of the Poison Pinto
The redline Poison Pinto came only with a black plastic base.
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