Casting : Letter Getter

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None Known
Metal Base Only
Paint Colors and Variations:
White with red and blue tampo
Interior Colors:
Black with green/blue tinted glass
This casting transitioned into the basic wheel portion of 1977. It is one of the rarer transitional redlines.
As such, it is important to watch for fakes, where the wheels have been swapped.

Correct Base of Redline Letter Getter
The redline version of the Letter Getter was made ONLY with the metal base.

Prototype Base of Redline Letter Getter
The initial version of the letter getter had a different assembly scheme in the rear. Bob Rosas tells that the zamac did not reliably flow
into the tool for the two slots, so the casting was modified to a single slot assembly scheme.

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