Pop Up Speedway Race Action Set
Issued in 1968, this set was one of the first to hit the market. Due to its fragility, it is hard to find a set in good condition.
Mailorder versions came with a cardboard sleeve which adds to the value.

Pop Up Speedway Race Action Set

Ready to race!
This cleverly engineered set included everything needed to make a drag race set up.
Each side had held 5 pieces of track and 3 joiners. The cars were held in the cubes with elastic cords to keep the end flaps closed.

Ready to race!
The retaining clips on the back end are elongated and rotate to act as the ramp support.
The retaining clip on the other end acts as a joiner for the track.

Special "starting" section
One piece of track was specially cut to act as a starting gate. The inner loop was bent up to hold the car.
The outer loop was bent down to act as a handle to release the car from underneath the ramp.

Cubes to hold the car

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