Casting : Paddy Wagon
Years of Production:
1973 - 1975
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None Known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Dark Blue
Interior Colors:
The interior of the 1973 model is unpainted and has no windshield
The plastic top had gold chromed lettering
Other versions of same Casting:
* 1970 Paddy Wagon *
* 1976 Paddy Wagon *
The 1973 version of the Paddy Wagon is derived from the 1970 Paddy Wagon Tom Daniels designed casting.
It was re-issued in 1976 and survived well into the blackwall era.
1970 - 1973 - 1976
The three versions of the Paddy Wagon are shown here. For 1973, some changes were made:
* The wheels were changed to the through hole type, resulting in the two notches in the front of the base
* The interior is unpainted
* The windshield is omitted
* The flat black paint on the grill is omitted.
Paddy Wagon Bases: 1970 - 1973 - 1976
Changes to the base were also made:
* The oil pan details on the base are simplified
* The notch in the rear step on the 1976 version.
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