Casting: Prowler

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None Known
Base Labeled "The Demon" or "Prowler"
Paint Colors and Variations:
Dark Blue |
Common |
Light Blue |
Common |
Red |
Common |
Light Green |
Uncommon |
Dark Green |
Uncommon |
Lemon Yellow |
Uncommon |
Foam Green |
Uncommon |
Orange |
Rare |
Plum |
Rare |
Interior Colors:
Light and Dark
Blue Glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1970 The Demon
1974 Flying Colors Prowler
1977 Super Chrome Prowler
The 1973 Prowler is derived from the 1970 casting The Demon. Although renamed the Prowler, the bases of the early production enamel Prowlers,
still say "The Demon" on the base.

1970 The Demon vs. 1973 Prowler
For 1973, the flat black roof paint was omitted. No other casting modifications are noted.

Bases: 1970 The Demon vs. 1973 The Demon vs. 1973 Prowler Pvs. 1974 Prowler
From 1970 to 1973, the base was modified to add crush protectors in the rear and anti-rub "nibs" to the front and rear. The name remained as "The Demon"
Later in the production run, the name was changed to "Prowler". For the later versions, the base details were simplified and a hole was added, presumably for assembly purposes.
The Prowler name and casting continued to be used through out the remainder of the redline years.

Prowler in Red

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