Casting : Buzz Off

Years of Production:
1974 - 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
Plastic base on 1977 release
Paint Colors and Variations:
1974 has two shades of dark blue, both with metal base
1976 standard issue is dark blue with black plastic base
1977 Beetle tampo on the Wisconsin Toy Company/ Japanese release
1977 Golden Machines gold chrome with plastic base
Interior Colors:
Other versions of same Casting:
1970 Tribaby
1973 Buzz Off
1977 Buzz Off
The Buzz Off is derived from the 1970 Tribaby casting.
After being renamed in 1973, the 1974 release came only in blue with the yellow pin striping tampo.
A single prototype of the tampo on a unique dark green is known from the Bob Rosas collection.

1974 Buzz Offs
The two shades of blue straddling a hand painted tampo prototype.

Buzz Off with "beetle" tampo
The beetle tampo version was produced as part of the same promotion as the "Wisconsin Toy Company" cars.
These were produced in 1977 for a detergent manufacturer but the promotion was cancelled while the Buzz Off
was in production. As a result, few of them made it to market with some going to Japan in the boxed redline release.

1976 Buzz Off with plastic base
The 1976 release did not exhibit the color variations of the earlier release.

1977 Buzz Off with a simlar "beetle" tampo.
This is the most common of the Buzz Off models.

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