Casting : Ice T

Years of Production:
1974 - 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Green
Alternate Color : Yellow
Interior Colors:
Black with white top
No Ice Blocks in the back
Other versions of same Casting:
1971 Ice T
1973 Ice T
The Ice is derived from the 1973 casting of the same name, which was derived from the 1971 version.

Ice T Interior, Roof removed
The 1974 Flying Colors version does not have any changes in the body casting or plastic parts from the 1973 version.

Ice T Base Progression 1971 (L) - 1973 (C) - 1974 (R)
The details on the base of the 1974 version is greatly simplified as compared to the 1973 and 1971 versions.

Ice T Alternate Color
This example of the alternate color is in above average condition. The tampo is the same as the normal color.
Original roofs tend to be discolored with age. The white roof has been reproduced and is readily available.

Ice T Alternate Color Rear View
The 1974 version has a black gate and the ice blocks are absent.

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