Casting: Red Baron

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None Known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Enamel Red
Interior Colors:
Black Plastic Interior, No Dashboard or Steering Wheel
Other versions of same Casting:
* 1970 Red Baron *
* 1973 Red Baron *
The 1974 version of the Red Baron is derived from the 1973 Red Baron Tom Daniels designed casting.
Originally released in 1970, again in 1973, it was retooled again in 1974 and survived well into the blackwall era.

1970 - 1973 - 1974
The three versions of the Red Baron are shown here. For 1974, some changes were made:
* All four wheels are through hole type
* The dashboard and steering wheel are restored
* The point on the helmet is rounded off

Red Baron Bases: 1970 - 1973 - 1974
Changes to the base were also made:
* Crush Guards added in 1973 and partially removed for 1974
* Weighted area in front modified for 1974
* The front end of the base extended for 1974, some have an indexing hole hole.

1974 Red Baron

1974 Red Baron

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