Casting : Warpath
Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None known
Base is metal except on the Wisconsin Toy Company version
Paint Colors and Variations:
Red (Wisconsin Toy Company)
Interior Colors:
Other versions of same Casting:
1971 AMX2
1973 Xploder
Wisconsin Toy Warpath
The Warpath is the third name for this casting, starting as the 1971 AMX2, and was called the Xploder for 1973.
AMX2 - Xploder - Warpath
The casting saw four different bases throughout the redline era.
Warpath - Herfy's Version
This version was used for one of the castings available from the Herfy's Restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest.
Warpath - Wisconsin Toy Company Version
It was also manufactured in red with a plastic base which was sold in the Wisconsin Toy Company baggies.
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