Redline Era Domestic Blister Packs

1968 "Cheetah" Card, Hong Kong Card
This card is believed to be the first release card.
The "Cheetah" was renamed to the "Python" very quickly due to copyright issues, so this is an early 1968 version.
The Hong Kong package has the white cardboard insert under the car.

1968 "Cheetah" Card, US Card
Contemporary with the HK Cheetah car, the US version also uses the cardboard insert under the car.
This, too is an early 1968 version.

1968 Card "Ten Car" Card
Listing only ten of the sixteen first year models, this version is an early run Blister Pack.

1968 "Cheetah" Card, 2nd Generation
Coming after the Ten Car car, the second generation Cheetah card omits the white cardboard insert in favor of a ribbed blister.
This, too is an early 1968 version.

1968 Main Line Blister Pack
This version lists all of the models released for 1968, changing "Cheetah" to "Python", and was used into the 1969 product year.

1969 Grand Prix Blister Pack
The Grand Prix series was a new thing for 1969. The list of available models is incomplete for the 1969 releases.

1969 Main Line Blister Pack, US Production
This version lists all of the models released for 1968 and 1969.

1969 Main Line Blister Pack
This version lists all of the models released for 1968 and 1969.

1970 Grand Prix Blister Pack
This version of the GP Series card lists all of the models released for 1969 and part of the 1970 line

1970 Main Line Blister Pack with the Hot Wheels Club Offer
This version lists only a few of the 1968 releases but all of the releases for 1969 and 1970.

1970 Main Line Blister Pack
This version lists only a few of the 1968 releases but all of the releases for 1969 and 1970.

1970 Mantis Blister Pack

1970 Snake and Mongoose BP, used for Both Funny Cars

1970 "Spoilers" Pack, 1969 card back

1970 "Spoilers" Pack, With Sticker over the Legal Language

1970 "The HeavyWeights" Package, Blue

1971 "The HeavyWeights" Package, Purple

1971 "The HeavyWeights" Package, Green

1972 Drivin' Gear Package

1972 Zappit Pack

1973 Blister Pack

1974 Vertical Baggie Two Pack with Header Card
These packages are rare. They were probably a cost savings measure and a way to liquidate excess stock.
1973 was noteworthy for a huge slump in the toy market.

1974 Horizontal Baggie Two Pack with Header Card
These packages are rare. They were probably a cost savings measure and a way to liquidate excess stock.
1973 was noteworthy for a huge slump in the toy market.

1974 Flying Colors White Card, Red Lettering

1974 Flying Colors White Card, Blue Lettering

1976 Flying Colors Blue Card with Colored Letters

1976 Flying Colors Blue Card with Yellow Letters (faded)

1976 Super Chromes BP
The back lists 10 of the 18 models eventually made in the Super Chromes line. Five car multipacks were also produced.

Produced by Mattel in 1975 but not sold until 1980 by Wisconsin Toy and Novelty Company
Photos courtesy of Mike Ruiz, Steven Clark, Drew Kanellos, Scott Richardson. Anita Smith, Chris Cull, Ted Gray, et al.

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