Approval Samples
If a design was selected from a B Sheet, the next step was for the Model Shop to make a sample of the car in 1/64th scale. "Approval Samples" were hand made, "one off",
pieces usually fashioned from wood or epoxy resin, fully decorated and equipped with wheels so that the car would roll properly. The Approval Samples of the proposed
car designs were presented to Mattel management who would decide which ones would proceed towards production. In addition to being used for decision making, the samples
were sometimes taken to the annual New York Toy Fair for display of new products and may also have been used in catalog photography shoots. A few dozen "Approval Samples"
have survived, most coming out of the Larry Wood collection. Designs that made the "cut" would advance to the next stage where an "Engineering Drawing Package" would be developed.

Dream Car aka Turbofire

Base of the Dream Car

Rocket Bye Baby

Rear View

Base of the Rocket Bye Baby

Jet Threat, made of wood

Base of the Jet Threat

Classic Cord with no Blown Engine

Base of the Classic Cord

Double Header

Base of the Double Header

Superfine Turbine

Base of the Superfine Turbine
Not all cars that made it to the Approval Sample stage made it all the way to the blister pack.
Here are three examples of cars that were never produced.

No Known Name - Never Produced

Aero Car - Never Produced

Base of the Aero Car

Twin Turbine - Never Produced

Base of the Twin Turbine

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