Brass Test Prototypes
When a model was selected for production, a 1/64th scale version would be made from brass as a "test prototype" to ensure that the finished car would work properly
on the orange track and other accessories. These test cars were usually hand made "one-off"s made by a contractor, based on the B Sheet and possibly the Approval
Sample and they were very expensive to make. Brass test prototypes usually lack precise details of the production pieces as that was not important in determining the
functionality of the car. In addition to being used for decision making, the samples were sometimes taken to the NY Toy Fair for display of new products and may also
be used in catalog photography shoots. A few dozen "Approval Samples" have survived, most coming out of the Bob Rosas collection.

Group of Brass Test Prototypes

Another Group of Brass Test Prototypes

Jet Threat Brass Test Prototype

Base of the Brass Jet Threat

Brass Test Prototype of the 1971 released Classic Cord
Photos Courtesy of Bob Rosas, Adam Grapes

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