Engineering Drawing Packages
When a car has made it through the selection process and the funding to proceed has been obtained, the next step it to create an "Engineering Drawing Package".
The engineer in charge of Hot Wheels was responsible for developing the package, i.e. Bob Rosas! Based on the B Sheet concept drawing, the assigned engineer
would work with the designer,( i.e. Larry Wood!) to flesh out the details of each part of the conceptualized car and create dimensional drawings that would be
used by Industrial Design Affiliates to produce the wooden pattern and the epoxy shells for each part that would be used for pantographing of the tool.
Below are some examples of actual engineering drawings, these are not representative of the entire package.

B Sheet for the Jet Dragster

Exploded Assembly Drawing

Jet Threat Body Detail

Bid Memo for the 1984 Jet Sweep

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