Casting : Mustang Stocker

Years of Production:
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
None known
Paint Colors and Variations:
Red,White,Blue Ribbon
Orange/Plum 450 HP Tampo
Interior Colors:
Black Interior
Blue Glass
Other versions of same Casting:
1975 Mustang Stocker
The Super Chromes Mustang Stocker utilizes the same casting as the 1975 release Flying Colors version.

Normal Super Chrome version (L) vs. the Loco Motion Set version (R)
With the introduction of the Super Chromes series in 1976, the Mustang Stocker was again released with the same orange and magenta tampo
it originally sported in 1975 Flying Colors version. In 1977, the car was released as part of the Loco-Motion track set with a new patriotic
Red, White and Blue Stars tampo design. The later 1977 release of the Loco-Motion track set was supplied with a basic wheel variation of the same car.
The Loco Motion set car variation has also been found in single blister packs.

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