Casting : Ferrari 312P

Years of Production:
1974 - 1977
Country of Origin:
Hong Kong
Casting Variations:
1974 Version - Metal Base
1976 Version - Black Plastic Base
Paint Colors and Variations:
Standard Color: Enamel Red with Blue and White tampo
Interior Colors:
Other versions of same Casting:
1970 Ferrari 312P
1973 Ferrari 312P
The 1974 Ferrari 312p is derived from the 1973 casting of the same name. The differentiating features are the red only color,
the addition of the white and blue tampo, and modifications to the base. The base was modified again in the release for 1976.

Flying Colors Ferrari 312P: 1974(L) & 1976(R)
In 1974, the Ferrari 312P was included in the new Flying Colors line up. The car was produced in red enamel with blue and white
racing stripes, #30 numbers and Ferrari logos on the sides of the car. The 1974 version of the Ferrari 312P has a metal base and
the body lines are always the engraved style. '74 cars also were typically painted over a white base coat, resulting in a brighter
overall appearance. The base coat was later omitted, probably to reduce production costs. Most '74 cars had open hub wheels on
both axles, but they also can occasionally be found with rear cap style wheels like the '73 cars.

HK Ferrari 312P bases (left to right): 1970, 1973, 1974, 1976
The base of the Ferrari 312P has evolved incrementally through four generations. For 1973, the standard HK base was modified by the
addition of crush protectors, the half circle of metal just inboard of the rear wheels. The 1974 Flying Colors base differs in that
a small hole was added just above the text box. For the 1976 production, a black plastic version of the '73 base was used.

A Flying Colors 312P with rear cap wheels
Most 1974 releases had through hole wheels in both the front and rear positions, the capped wheel is an early variation.

A Flying Colors 312P in a Japanese Box
Released only in Japan, the boxed cars were often found with both redlines and basic wheels.
Photo & info credits: Rick Wilson

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